Saturday, May 12, 2012


Yesterday at one of the group homes, a young woman with Down syndrome, L, came home unusually happy from her day program. She shyly asked all of us, "Are you ready?" Then she took something out of her bag and handed each of us a little card she had designed at her program that day. The card was very pretty with some tulips and "Happy Mother's Day" printed on it. L's mother passed away many years ago. Instead of not celebrating, L came up with a way to give something to the women in her life whom she cares about.

The scene was so happy and full of positive feelings for both staff and L.

This made me wonder if everyone with intellectual disabilities has the opportunity to give gifts to others and how important it is that they do. It doesn't necessarily even have to involve an item. It could be a kindness, as well.
Another woman I work with, P, saves what she calls her 'mad money.' Then she asks staff to drive her to dollar stores, thrift stores, and garage sales. She buys little trinkets based on what she knows the people who live with her or work with her like.  Then when she gets home, she distributes the goodies to her friends.

My daughter, S, likes to buy Tic-Tacs and give them to her favorite staff.

Those of us who work or live with people with intellectual disabilities love to give to them. It's what we strive for everyday. It makes us feel good. So, do we make sure that they can have those same opportunities to give to us so that they can feel good, too?

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